March 14, 2020
As you may have heard the Archdiocese of New York has temporarily cancelled all masses. The church still needs your help.
Please consider making a donation.
You can donate online by visiting:
or by mailing a check to:
Our Lady of Fatima
355 South Broadway
Yonkers, NY 10705
March 14, 2020
Como a comunidade deve ter ouvido, a Arquidiocese de Nova York cancelou temporariamente todas as missas. A igreja ainda precisa da sua ajuda. Por favor considere fazer um donativo.
Você pode fazer um donativo online visitando:
or ou enviando um cheque para:
Our Lady of Fatima
355 South Broadway
Yonkers, NY 10705

Mission Statement
“ Rejoice always in the Lord “ (FL 4, 4-5)
We, the Roman Catholic Portuguese Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, are a Community Family worshipping as one body and serving the need of the people who speak Portuguese in the Archdiocese of New York.
In a welcoming environment, through prayer and sacraments, education, evangelization, and charity, we minister to the spiritual and social needs of all in our commitment to living Jesus Christ’s great commandment: love of God and love of neighbor, under protection of Our Lady of Fatima.
Everybody is welcome.
Our Church is the wonderful fruit of the effort and generosity of all families of our community and people of good will, who have fully dedicated their time and labors, that is to say, it is the greatest testament of faith and the love of this work which will continue to mark the history of our community and our church in the Archdiocese of New York.
Let’s praise all for the accomplishment achieved during these years which sacrifice and dedication by all people, especially my predecessor the beloved Reverend Father Francisco dos Santos Jorge, the other dedicated priests and lay people, all the families of our community, enterprises and other institutions .
I feel truly fortunate being part of this history. During these years which the Lord granted me, I have come to appreciate with gratitude your collaboration, generosity, intelligence, dedication, kindness and love expressed to me and our church, the Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Roman Catholic Church.
May our Lord Jesus Christ, shed his grace upon all of you do in favor of this great work.
To all who have been called to him, I pray for eternal rest in Heaven with Our Lady of Fatima and of all the Saints.
I implore the greatest blessings for all, and may Our Lady of Fatima protect and help you and your respective families.
Your dedicated, in Christ the Good Shepherd.
Rev. Fr. Osvaldo Franklin, J.C.D., Pastor

Download The Bulletin
2018-10-21 Boletim.pdfDownload Previous Bulletins

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